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Install PHP-Gearman yourself

Use APT on Ubuntu

Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)

Unfortunately the php-gearman extension is broken in Ubuntu 20.04. This was also the case with Ubuntu 16.04 :(

You can use the version provided by the PPA of Ondřej Surý.

I have tested it with the file which is the reason why I am mirroring this file! (License: PHP-3.01)

I am not the author of the Debian Package! This is Ondřej Surý <>. I did not modified the package!

If you don't trust me, you can also download this file from the official PPA

Checksums to verify what you have downloaded:

md5: 7ece02885d0201cb1f7512ef11a94afd
sha1: b40e73e41189a5650e53a3083e7782df921e4a94
sha256: c49113ed2abe596c700f46cea9119a409b0e6bb43cc0802eea47d0112021fd6e
sha512: fb6458a86264191445d74486efc8984fcd8dca475a6467ea280dc510f2f6402cddec58669f5f746801886b26d8d492744e60ca7c11bf58c90e795036a01ed111

Install the debian file

dpkg -i

This will throw an error and complain about missing dependencies. You can simply resolve this by running:

apt-get install -f

Now the extension is installed and loaded. You can check this using the following command:

root@focal:~# php -m | grep gearman

Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)

apt-get install php-gearman

Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)

Unfortunately the php-gearman extension is missing in Ubuntu 16.04.

You can use the version for Debian Stretch on Ubuntu as well without any issues.

I have tested it with the file php-gearman_2.0.2+1.1.2-1_amd64.deb which is the reason why I am mirroring this file! (License: PHP-3.01)

I am not the author of the Debian Package! This is Ondřej Surý <>. I did not modified the package!

If you don't trust me, you can also download this file from the official Debian Mirrors

Checksums to verify what you have downloaded:

md5: cae789a6163171ef4b25a2535d5901fd
sha1: 67b9530cf1276a9140605c9f8b05b605fdd4d9f1
sha256: 13440a0b6dac41dfc3269087e177e96fd53393cd3807e92e75dc7de2f20b6932
sha384: 114ac173253b94bd79355c5ce244ea80bbd168d5b37c9c2918336a4f3959a5d943f981847ea5a006c8a28191e82303db

Install the debian file

dpkg -i php-gearman_2.0.2+1.1.2-1_amd64.deb

This will throw an error and complain about missing dependencies. You can simply resolve this by running:

apt-get install -f

Now the extension is installed and loaded. You can check this using the following command:

root@xenial:~# php -m | grep gearman

Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)

apt-get install php5-gearman

Compile it yourself

Fair warning

Compiling software yourself may be fail. If possible always use the packages from your distribution

apt-get install git libgearman-dev php-dev
git clone
cd pecl-gearman/
make install
echo "" > /etc/php/7.0/mods-available/gearman.ini
phpenmod -s ALL gearman

Now the extension is installed and loaded. You can check this using the following command:

root@xenial:~# php -m | grep gearman