Statusengine 3

Statusengine 3 is available. Click here for more information

Statusengine 2 released!

The missing event broker + responsive web frontend

Made for Naemon and Nagios 4

Tested with current Naemon version 1.0.6 (on 01.02.2017)

PHP 7 ready!

Statusengine 2.x is tested on PHP 5 and PHP 7

Take a look at the PHP 7 guide for more information

The design

Statusengine contains different modules. Each module provide a single task you can enable or not.

The main task of Statusengine is, to save Naemon event data to a MySQL database.
Statusengine can be scale out over different machines. Every connection is handed over TCP or can be mounted as a NFS share:

Statusengine architecture

How does it work?

First of all you need to load the broker module statusengine.o in your naemon.cfg. This is a very simple event broker module that write every Naemon event json encoded into a Gearman Job Server. A background process written in PHP will fetch all events out of the Gearman and save it to a MySQL database.
If you enable the Perfdata extension Statusengine will create RRDtool or Graphite based Graphs for you as well.

How can I access my data?

Statusengine responsive web interface

Statusengine provides you a responsive web interface you can use. However everything is saved in the MySQL database so you are able to query the database to get whatever you need.

Performance data and Graphing

Statusengine is able to save performance data to Graphite so you can create fancy dashboards using Grafana:

Statusengine graphite and grafana

Additionally Statusengine is able to create rrdtool based graphs out of the box:

Statusengine rrdtool based graph

Check out Statusengine's Perfdata extension for more information.


of Statusengine


Continue using the apps you are used to


Standardized protocols


Designed for large environments


Open Source

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